Group Command

One of cloudmesh major functionality is to group cloud and other resources into a named group. Such named groups can than be used to perform actions on them. Upon start the default group is set to general if no default group exists.


at this time we have limited to groups to just hold ID of vms.

The manual page of the group command can be found at: group

Group List

The named groups can be listed with the following command:

$ cm group list --cloud india --format table
  | user     | cloud | name   | value    | type |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-001 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-002 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-004 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupB | test-003 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupB | test-005 | vm   |

Group Info

To get details about a particular group with specific name you can use the info option:

$ cm group list groupA
  | user     | cloud | name   | value    | type |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-001 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-002 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-004 | vm   |

Group Remove ID

To remove a VM from a particular group, you can use the remove option:

$ cm group remove --name groupA --id test-002
  Successfully removed ID [test-002] from the group [groupA]

$ cm group list groupA
  | user     | cloud | name   | value    | type |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-001 | vm   |
  | albert   | india | groupA | test-004 | vm   |

Group Add

To add a vm resource with specified id to a group with given name:

$ cm group add groupA --id test-001 --type vm
Created a new group [groupA] and added ID [test-001] to it

$ cm group info groupA
  | user      | cloud   | name   | value    | type |
  | albert    | general | groupA | test-001 | vm   |

Group Copy

To copy the VM(s) from one group to another use the command:

$ cm group copy groupA groupB
Created a new group [groupB] and added ID [test-001] to it

$ cm group info groupB
  | user      | cloud   | name   | value    | type |
  | albert    | general | groupB | test-001 | vm   |

Group Merge

Groups can be merged as follows:

$ cm group merge group01 groupB groupC
Merge of group [group01] & [groupB] to group [groupC] ok.

$ cm group info groupC
  | user      | cloud   | name   | value      | type |
  | albert    | general | groupC | albert-001 | vm   |
  | albert    | general | groupC | albert-002 | vm   |
  | albert    | general | groupC | test-001   | vm   |

Group Delete

A named group can be easily deleted.:

$ cm group delete groupC
Request to delete server albert-001 has been accepted.
Request to delete server albert-002 has been accepted.
Request to delete server test-001 has been accepted.
Deletion ok.

$ cm group list groupC
ERROR: No group with name groupC found in the cloudmesh database!


When a group is deleted, all the instances (vms) are deleted, and a deletion request is submitted to the appropriate cloud.